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  • There are more people buy in than buy out on the stock market. A bullish Stock Quote is called Bull Market.
  • Contrary to Bull Market, Bear Market indicates a bearish Stock Quote in which more people to buy out than buy in. What causes a Bear Market is similar to those that form a Bull Market. There is only a matter of changes in the reverse direction.
  • Bullish Market refers to the investors who are optimistic about the stock market. The investors predicted the stock price will go up; thus, they bought the stocks, and waited for the stock to go up to a particular price to sell out for obtaining credit balances.
  • Short investors and stock trader that although the current share price is higher, but the prospects look bad on the stock market, the expected stock price will fall, so the borrowed stock to sell in a timely manner, subject to price and buy when the price dropped to a certain order Get the difference between revenue.

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